Andreas Melas
2024.09.06 Christos Tzivelos, Basel Social Club with Records
2024.06.03 Nuri Koerfer, Duck Down
2023.24.11 Radial Arm
2023.03.10 Behrang Karimi, Law of the Tent
2023.01.06 Ken Price, Sculpture & Drawing
2023.21.04 Frequencies (and atmospheres)
2022.01.06 George Tourkovasilis, Strange Switch
2022.03.03 Frequencies / Συχνότητες
2021.26.10 Lives of an Object
2021.02.06 Anti Structure
2020.10.09 Fate of a Cell / Η Τύχη ενός Κυττάρου
2019.21.06 Trade Syllables
2018.19.09 Karl Wirsum, Drawing it On, 1965 to the present